
We Are Excited to Welcome Our Newest Associate

Perdue & Kidd welcomes Michael R. Clinton as our newest Associate Attorney. Michael will focus on mass tort litigation involving defective medical products. In addition, he will also pursue injury claims arising from major car and truck wrecks, defective products an...

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person using an app on a phone

Ride Sharing Injuries Increase With Rise of Uber & Lyft.

Technology is evolving every day, and because of that, the world we know is constantly changing. Since 2000, technology has made our lives easier, from shopping online to having groceries delivered to our homes. That was no different in 2009. That year, Uber Technologies,&nb...

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Have you been injured on the job? – Workers’ Compensation

At Perdue & Kidd, we frequently receive calls from people who have suffered injuries on the job, asking about their rights and what they can expect from their employers and the workers' compensation system. This article will attempt to explain some unique aspects...

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Medical malpractice words with an  operating room in the background

Do I have A Medical Malpractice Case?

In Texas, medical malpractice cases are governed by a comprehensive statute called the Health Care Liability Act. This act is codified in Chapter 74 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code. Enacted by the Texas legislature in 2003. This code governs both the procedures that...

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18 wheeler on the road

Steps To Take Following an 18-Wheeler Crash

We have all experienced it, driving down the freeway in Texas only to see an 18-wheeler struggling to keep its massive rig in a single lane. Thoughts fill your mind: what happens if this truck loses control? How can I get ahead of this 18-wheeler before the situation takes...

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There Are Four Types of Driver Distraction

Distracted driving is any activity an operator of a motor vehicle is engaged in that both distracts them from their primary task of driving and increases their risk of an accident. In other words, distracted driving is any activity diverting a person's attention away from t...

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Another Victory against Boston Scientific Pelvic Mesh

The Eleventh Circuit affirmed a federal court's landmark judgment against Boston Scientific for its unreasonably dangerous pelvic mesh kits. Marketed under the name Pinnacle, four women brought claims after suffering serious personal injuries after the implant. Jim M. Perdu...

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newborn baby


“Your child has cerebral palsy. ”   These are some of the most terrifying words a parent can hear.   Questions fill your head about how this happened?   What does it mean?   What is the future? Cerebral palsy is a broad term that captures a wide s...

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medical device


A recent NBC new story raised serious questions about the safety of Bard IVC filters. The NBC story reports on two tragic stories of Bard IVC filters fracturing and traveling into the patient's heart. In one case the Bard IVC filter fractured, traveled to the...

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Medical device used in an operating room

Medical Device Approval Process

A published study in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) highlights the potential public health dangers posed by medical devices that undergo limited testing to determine their safety and effectiveness. In 2010 and 2011, there were 28 medical devices...

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