The FDA has recalled the popular OTC Zantac as a possible cancer-causing drug. Perdue & Kidd is here to help you get compensation. Our product liability lawyers are here to talk to you and help you file your Zantac injury claim.
Cancer-Causing Over The Counter Medicine
The Food and Drug Administration recently revealed that the popular heartburn medication known as Zantac contains low levels of a cancer-causing contaminant known as NDMA. NDMA was previously identified in a blood pressure drug, leading to recalls.
“NDMA is a probable human carcinogen (a substance that could cause cancer). In the summer of 2019, the FDA became aware of independent laboratory testing that found NDMA in ranitidine. Low levels of NDMA are commonly ingested in the diet, for example, NDMA is present in foods and in water. These low levels would not be expected to lead to an increase in the risk of cancer.” (Per FDA)